Saturday, 19 November 2011

I Have a New Favourite Song

While sitting on a bus one Thursday afternoon, returning home for a weekend away from the insomnia inducing cacophony that is my flatmates smoking outside into the early hours of the morning (I love them really, splendid fellows... all of them -ticks off another Doctor Who reference from his daily quota-), I looked back over the songs I'd been playing in order to keep me occupied, and realized two things.

1. Not being interested in anyone romantically removes any guilt that accompanies listening to soppy music. The list included such guilty pleasures as Runaway by the Corrs (that song is my musical equivalent of comfort food... it always seemed to be on the radio when I was a wee lad... good lord I wish I was Scottish and could pull that off), I Will Always Return by Bryan Adams (which I once came across via a Harry x Hermione fan video... go figure), and Love is a Matter of Distance by Will Young (my love for his music being one of the many things I'm happy to inherit from my mother, even if it does cause me to stop and ponder the implications of the majority of my favourite celebrities being gay).

2. I didn't have enough Queen (YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH QUEEN).

For some reason, everytime I listen to this song, I imagine a soldier (medieval, ALWAYS medieval) in glorious combat, refusing to lay down and succumb to his injuries before he gets a chance to see his wife and child again.

That, and it reminds of someone. A hero of mine. Dearly missed.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

True or False

While sitting in the pool room (a bit of a misnomer, considering how infrequently anyone actually plays pool in there these days) last night, casually sipping at a bottle of pear Kopparberg (the greatest alcoholic beverage known to man, and a far more "masculine" drink than my former trademark Tia Maria/Kahlua and Coke... though that is countered by how rosy it makes my cheeks), a housemate posed me a question, as he pointed to the computer screen, on which a song called "Romance is Dead" was playing (I forget the band).

"Don't you agree that that is the truest statement ever?"

My... Not so diplomatic response...

"No, romance will never die, and fuck you for saying that it has."

That and another comment I made earlier that evening prove that I should have been born a woman.

Me: (I may be paraphrasing, I'm not quite as eloquent when I speak) I don't see the appeal in watching lesbians.

Friend: There's that part of you that looks at them and wishes for a threesome.

Me: You see, that would just be awkward for me, 'cause then I'd have to get up and make two sandwiches.

Where's Dr. Cox when you need him? I have some man cards that have to be taken away.